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We have a very full programme for 2024 and would love to see you at one of our meetings.

As well as the monthly meeting, we enjoy a variety of outings, both educational and social.

Do join us one month and see for yourself!


Meanwhile, you can find details of our monthly programme by clicking here


Pop Up Cake Stall

We look forward to Pop Up Cake Stalls again in the summer or at other local events.


Pop Up Cafe

Our Pop Up Cafe will be back every Wednesday in August in Charlton-on-Otmoor Community Hall.

Coffee, Craft & Cake

Held on the third Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm in Charlton-on-Otmoor Community Hall. We try a variety of crafts, sometimes using one of our own members to guide us, other times we invite experts in.

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Walking Netball

This group has really taken off!  We meet every Monday evening 6.30-7.45pm in Kidlington & Gosford Sports Centre.  We try and play a 'friendly' against another local team every six weeks or so and are looking forward to the next Oxfordshire tournament.

Recording Life

This group meets on the third Tuesday of the month and has a theme to discuss to evoke personal memories. Participants are encouraged to record these through sounds, images or the written word in their own time.


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