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Otmoor WI Welcomes You

Who We Are

Otmoor Women's Institute was formed in 1977 and we draw our members from the villages around Otmoor - Charlton-on-Otmoor, Oddington, Fencott, Murcott and Merton.  We meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 7.45pm in Charlton-on-Otmoor Community Hall.

Our monthly programme is varied as we try to organise activities and speakers to reflect the many interests of our members.

Each month we also host a Coffee, Craft & Cake group which meets on the third Wednesday of the month in Charlton-on-Otmoor Community Hall at 7.30pm. 

We also run a Recording Life group which meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 2pm in a member's home. Each meeting has a theme, discussed over refreshments, aiming to evoke personal memories.  Participants are encouraged to record these through sound, images or the written word in their own time. 

Our members have enjoyed many county events put on by the Oxfordshire Federation and have entered county and national competitions, with some success!

Our fundraising activities centre largely around catering and the money raised has taken us out on many educational and social trips, from Wildlife Hospitals to visiting the amazing studios where they make the costumes for Strictly Come Dancing.  

Craft and catering are well supported but we also have members interested in travel, languages and all the arts - helping to make us a very rounded group.



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'The WI is everything you want it to be'

Contact Otmoor Women's Institute

We meet in Charlton-on-Otmoor Community Hall (OX5 2UT), near Bicester in Oxfordshire, on the second Tuesday of the month at 7.45pm.


We would love to see you!

01865 331521

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